All I wanted was to be rich and famous.

Funny for Nothing

What is the toughest question you’ve ever been asked?

For me, “Fries – large or medium?” and “Are you out of your mind?” are top contenders. But they aren’t the toughest questions I’ve ever been asked – not by a long shot.

No, the undoubted winner is “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

I like to call this question the ‘How It All Began’ question. I’ll explain.

Imagine this: You’re three years old and your parents have guests over. You’re busy playing with your ‘Barney-the-dinosaur’ soft toy. All of a sudden, there’s a lull in the conversation. Nobody knows what to say, so all eyes slowly turn towards you. You’re too young and innocent to know that you are the next victim. “Aww, what a sweet child,” one lady croons. She looks straight at you and asks, “So, what do you want to be when you…

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Top Travel Experiences – Snorkelling in Lord Howe Island


Feeding the Body, Mind & Soul

Watching a performance recently by George Michael at the Palais Garnier Paris left me thinking about all the wonderful places I’ve seen in my travels with this special venue being one of them. Some of these are iconic and known world-wide while others not so much. Being an enthusiastic photographer, I have taken many photos I can look back on fondly and reminisce. This has prompted me to put together a list of my top travel experiences. By sharing these with you, I hope you will find inspiration to experience them too or encourage you to think about what you’d love see and do for yourself.

Snorkelling in Lord Howe Island

Lord Howe Island Lord Howe Island

One of the seven natural wonders of the world is the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. I have been fortunate enough to have visited North Queensland a couple of times and of course have headed out to the reef to see the…

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